Tottenham Hotspur Foundation is here to help in every way we can. Please complete this form with as much detail as possible in order for our team to better assist you.
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Which programmes are you interested in knowing more about?
Employment and Skills Customer Service CoursesEmployment Drop in SessionsHeritage Ambassador Programme
Community Cohesion Premier League KicksPassion 4 CoachingTottenham Hotspur Community Football LeagueWomen and Girls FootballPremier League Primary StarsDuke of Edinburgh Award
Health and Wellbeing Community NHS Community Health ChecksExercise classesReigniteShape Up with SpursWalking and cycling sessionsSeated exercise sessions
Equalities and Inclusion Pathways to EmploymentWalking FootballCerebral Palsy FootballDeaf and Partially Sighted FootballBlind FootballLGBT+ Youth GroupProject SearchOptions Academy
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